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Discography Yaouen

Entre Ciels et Terres
(Between Skies and Earth)

"Between Skies and Earth" will transport you through his journeys, stories and diverse tributes Yaouen likes to return to the subjects which are close to his heart, in particular Brittany, the Britons, the sailors, the sinners and many others.

Accompanied by his guitars and his harp guitar the deep and bewitching sounds, he will take you through his universe decorated with songs and instrumental themes in the Celtic and varied colors.

Release : 2014 15th February

1. Celtic wind (3:55) (Harp guitar)
2. Parfum d'été (3:59) (Harp guitar – Vocal)

3. L'enfer (3:55) (Harp guitar – Vocal)
4. Entre ciels et terres (3:47) (Guitar – Vocal)

5. L'écume (4:18) (Guitar – Vocal)

6. La boue et le feu (4:00) (Guitar – Vocal)
7. Princess of north lakes (3:32) (Harp guitar)

8. Sous la tempête (4:30) (Guitar – Vocal)
9. La balafre (3:05) (Irish Bouzouki - Vocal)

10. Le lavoir (2:50) (Guitar – Vocal)

11. Fils des astres et du vent (5:54) (Guitar – Vocal)
12. Spring morning (4:27) (Harp guitar)